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IAVI Report

Is stopping SARS-CoV-2 transmission an attainable goal?

February 15, 2023

Hundreds of next-generation COVID-19 vaccines are being explored, including many that are delivered mucosally to try to prevent infection or block transmission.

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IAVI Report

The end of an era

December 20, 2022

After more than 50 years, Anthony Fauci leaves behind an unparalleled legacy of championing science, particularly HIV/AIDS treatment, prevention, and cure efforts.

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IAVI Report

As Ebola outbreak fades, hope for a vaccine remains

December 14, 2022

The emergence of the Sudan strain of Ebola virus in Uganda prompted a rush to get vaccine candidates ready. Expectations are it will be needed in the future.

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IAVI Report

Momentum against malaria

November 29, 2022

Two vaccines are poised for delivery against this old foe. What will it take for them to change the field?

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IAVI Report

Monkeypox: What went right and what went wrong?

November 15, 2022

Chris Beyrer, director of the Duke Global Health Institute and a renowned epidemiologist, discusses the monkeypox outbreak and the U.S. response.

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IAVI Report

Charting the way to a cure

November 1, 2022

HIV cure researchers are energized by news of another case of remission and the development of new tools that could help researchers evaluate how well other cure strategies are working.

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IAVI Report

Upping the antibody

October 13, 2022

Therapeutic antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 were developed faster than any other intervention, but their use remains limited. What lessons are there for the development of other monoclonal antibody products, including those for HIV?

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IAVI Report

Beyond a witches’ brew

July 26, 2022

An interview with Bali Pulendran on how adjuvants might extend the durability of mRNA-based vaccine protection.

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IAVI Report

Data cabinets in the cloud

July 20, 2022

Clinical research data is precious. The IAVI DataSpace platform seeks better ways to store, manage, and share this information securely so it can be used to advance medical research.

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IAVI Report

Can mRNA manufacturing become more global?

June 21, 2022

With pluck, persistence, and scientific prowess, more countries are gearing up to develop and produce the vaccines of the future.

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