We work to identify pathways for accelerated introduction and access
Historically, access to the newest health technologies has been slow in low- and middle-income countries. IAVI strives to change that by working to improve access and accelerate global access pathways for biomedical innovations across our health areas. We engage with diverse stakeholders — from local communities to product manufacturers to intergovernmental bodies — to help ensure products are developed with cost and access in mind.
To better understand future pathways for product delivery, we:
- Conduct end-user and socio-behavioral research.
- Perform health economics modeling.
- Develop demand forecasts for vaccines and antibodies.
- Publish our findings to inform policymaker preferences and decision-making.

We implement studies with priority populations to better meet the needs of end-users
Understanding the needs and preferences of end-users, health care providers, and policymakers is essential to developing and delivering products with the greatest potential for impact. IAVI and our partners engage local communities to inform plans for product development and implementation in real-world settings.
Global access studies
This study explores the perspectives of caregivers, partners, and community influencers on a new pathway from preventing the vertical transmission of HIV. The study examines the potential acceptability and feasibility of using broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs) to protect infants from HIV acquisition. Funder: USAID
UPTAKE brought together a multidisciplinary collaboration of experts in socio-behavioral science, health economics, and HIV prevention research from five leading research institutions in Kenya, Uganda, the Netherlands, and the U.K. This study seeks to accelerate access and facilitate adherence to innovative long-acting technologies to prevent HIV and unintended pregnancy in adolescent girls, young women, and female sex workers in sub-Saharan Africa. Funder: EDCTP
DigiTapp aims to better understand the social networks of hidden at-risk populations and to understand their attitudes toward an HIV vaccine in the context of other emerging prevention options. A recently completed study conducted in partnership with YRGCARE, Humsafar, C-SHARP, and Final Mile sought to understand end-user preferences, drivers of choice, and pathways to uptake for HIV prevention products among populations disproportionately affected by HIV in India. Funder: USAID
The Multisite Adolescent Girls and Young Women (MAGY) study also seeks to help researchers to understand the barriers to participation of adolescent girls and young women in future HIV prevention research, as well as product preferences and socio-behavioral factors to improve the eventual uptake of prevention products. Funder: USAID
Learn more about our access work:
- Access to monoclonal antibodies in Africa: A call to action, published by IAVI and Impact Global Health, evaluates the current state of research and development and access for monoclonal antibodies and related products.
- Watch The Need for Long-acting HIV Prevention Methods for more insight on the perspectives of young women in South Africa facing high rates of HIV acquisition.
- Preferred product characteristics for broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibodies for HIV prevention, which IAVI produced with the World Health Organization (WHO) and key funders, stakeholders, and partners, will be used by product developers to guide their efforts.
- The Evolving access pathways for long-acting HIV prevention products report examines stakeholder perspectives and strategies to accelerate policy adoption, regulatory approval, financing, procurement, and health systems delivery of future HIV prevention products. Funder: Merck, Sharp & Dohme Corp., a subsidiary of Merck and Co., Inc.
- Expanding access to monoclonal antibody-based products: A global call to action. IAVI and Wellcome published this report to increase awareness and strengthen advocacy for global access to antibodies.
- Antibodies for HIV prevention: the path forward, published in JIAS, discusses findings from two webinars on making monoclonal antibodies for SARS-CoV-2 accessible in low- and middle-income countries.
- A series of articles in PharmacoEconomics maps evidence gaps and identify health economic research priorities for the HIV prevention field. IAVI partnered with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and UNAIDS to produce this series.