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Press Releases

IAVI Shares Recent NIAID Comments in Three Major Publications

February 28, 2014

HIV-AIDS: much accomplished, much to do Achieving an AIDS-free World: Science and Implementation NEW YORK – The International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) welcomes the reaffirmation of the “paramount” importance of a vaccine to ending the AIDS pandemic, and the realistic appraisal of the challenges to achieving this imperative, as outlined by Anthony S. Fauci and his…

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Press Releases


February 28, 2014

UPDATE: NEW YORK, NY; September 23, 2013. Vaccinations for a Phase I trial for the novel SeV-G vaccine candidate began this month at the St. Stephen’s Centre in London, the third and final location. The trial began earlier this year at Projet San Francisco in Kigali, Rwanda, and at the Kenya AIDS Vaccine Initiative in Nairobi.…

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Press Releases

U.K. Government Pledges Renewed Funding to Support IAVI

February 28, 2014

NEW YORK –  The International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) is pleased to announce the renewed commitment from the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID), which has confirmed a grant to IAVI of £1 million ($1.57 million) annually for the next five years. “We are grateful to the U.K. Government for having been a long standing…

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Press Releases

Saluting Nelson Mandela, a Champion of AIDS Awareness

February 28, 2014

The International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) would like to extend its best wishes to Nelson Mandela on his birthday. As the first democratically elected President of South Africa and a celebrated international humanitarian leader, Nelson Mandela has also made historic contributions to AIDS awareness in South Africa and around the world. As testament to his…

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Press Releases

HIV Research Pioneer Dr. Robin Weiss Appointed Chair of IAVI’s Scientific Advisory Committee

February 28, 2014

The International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) announces the appointment of Dr. Robin Weiss as Chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) effective July 1, 2013, to June 30, 2016. In this capacity, Dr. Weiss will also serve as the SAC representative to the IAVI Board of Directors. Dr. Weiss is Emeritus Professor of Viral Oncology…

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Press Releases

PrEP Used by Intravenous Drug Users Cuts HIV Infection Risk – IAVI Statement

February 28, 2014

IAVI welcomes new results demonstrating that pre-exposure prophylaxis with the antiretroviral medicine tenofovir disoproxil fumarate can almost halve the risk of HIV infection for people using intravenous drugs  In a landmark study in Thailand by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in partnership with the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration and the Thailand Ministry of Public…

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Press Releases

Leading Scientists Call for a Human Vaccines Project in Science

February 28, 2014

Accelerating Next-Generation Vaccine Development for Global Disease Prevention A group of leading scientists advocate the creation of a Human Vaccines Project to accelerate the development of next generation vaccines against major global killers such as AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other infectious diseases. In the current issue of the journal Science they further argue that a Human Vaccines…

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Press Releases

World AIDS Vaccine Day 2013 – IAVI Statement

February 28, 2014

On World AIDS Vaccine Day, May 18, IAVI remains as committed to the quest for an AIDS vaccine as it was in 1998, when this day of observance was established to commemorate former US President Bill Clinton’s challenge to researchers to develop a vaccine against HIV. We are as committed as we were when, 13…

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